Thursday, February 17, 2011

Was this over before? (Before it ever began)
Your lips, your eyes, your lust,
like the Devils in your hands

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 songs

1 . Be Here Now - Ray Lamontagne
2. War Sweater- Wakey!Wakey!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

4 books

1. Fight club
 2. The three musketeers
3. 11 minute
4. Virgin Suicides

Thursday, February 10, 2011

5 Foods

1. Sushi
2. Pizza
3. Napoleon cake
4. My moms cheesecake
5. Carrots with dip sauce

Monday, February 7, 2011

6 places you want to go

2. Holland
3. Italy
4. London
5. Nirvana
6. Indian slums
 7. Another world

Sunday, February 6, 2011

"You will be mine..." He said glaring into her eyes, but she turned her look away.
"No, I won't" She said in despise.  He took her hand and held it to his chest. He had 
promised her everything but she wouldn't give up her love to another boy, she wouldn't
give him a chance.But he would not accept no for an answer. She tried to free her hand 
but he wouldn't let go. He wouldn't ever let go of her.

- random

What I've been upto lately

This all started out with me and my friend making coco with whipped cream and marhsmellows. Then I happened challenged her to make this too. So she did.  (The first picture is ours, the second one is hers)

Then she challenged me to make these wraps, that she made. She posted them online on Facebook too and told me that now I have to do those... So I did. And now they're here:) They were delicious.
        (First picture:hers, second picture: mine) Oh... even the lemonade had to be the same !

7 wants

1. To meet that dutchman
2. Have 10 more pretty dresses
3. See the world (the real life)
4. Be able to breathe underwater
5. My room to clean itself
6. Not be so bruised
7. To be able to be happier

Saturday, February 5, 2011

8 fears

1.  A close person to me, finding no happiness
2.  Heights
3.  Dreaming spoiling the reality
4. Permanently losing inspiration to draw
5.  Fast crawling zombies (towards you)
6. Big machines (trucks, trains, etc)
7. Mascots (People in big animal or animal-like costumes)
8. Being home alone over night.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

9 Loves

1. Music
2. Drawing
3. Chocolate
5. The nature
6. Hugging
7. My bed-sleeping
8.Jack Black's voice
9. Dreaming

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

10 secrets

1. I love writing in class when the only light source is the light coming from the outside, from my left.
2. I always feel hurt when I'm accused in lying when I'm telling the truth.
3. Sometimes I get a random need for a hug.
4. I have a chocolate in my drawer right now and I'm trying really hard not to eat it.
5. On some days, my only motivation to go to school in the morning, is the fact, that I can return to my bed and proceed sleeping right after school.
6. I get really upset when I'm yelled at.
7. There's nothing worse to me, than having a fight with my mother.
8. I daydream
9. One morning, when my earphones broke, I was so upset, that I refused going to school before they were fixed.
10.  I miss a friend

Someties physics just ain't interesting enough

Sky high

Challenge accepted !