Sunday, December 23, 2012

A portrait of me-self. I wondered off to my blog and realized I haven't posted anything in ages. I'm not sure  a lot of people were too disappointed, but well, here we go.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

This is a self-portrait that I worked on for about 5 hours. I thought I needed to so something realistic and this picture has been waiting for quite a while to be drawn. I liked the picture, because I thought I looked older in it. Tired. Deep in thought. That's the way I tend to be now. But drawing yourself is a whole new experience. You see things you don't notice about yourself every day. Makes me wonder about all kinds of stuff. Makes me miss the past for some weird reason. I've always been kind of clingy with my past though. Mostly the days when I was 12 and happy as a leprechaun.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

[this text is no longer available, thank you, good bye]

 I drew this picture as an illustration to my explanation (lol, that rhymed) for my boyfriend. I felt like a mess a couple of days ago and I felt sorry for him, because I couldn’t make him understand why  and all I did was confuse him and make him worried all the time(I couldn’t understand myself either). So I drew this picture and it helped me explain/understand things a little better. The text was here, but I removed it, because I found it to be too private. Enjoy.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's scary when you find that the person you trust the least is yourself.

This drawing started out just as a profile of a pretty girl, but then my playlist changed and I just drew whatever/however I felt like drawing and ended up with this. I must say I'm pleased with this, it's been a while since I've drawn something decent, that I'm also pleased with. So I guess it's okay for now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And all the rest that comes with it 

Photoshoot with my dears. These photos are taken by Maire :

Monday, September 26, 2011

You'd be the one I'd put My trust into, If I were thinking to myself, a random thought of You would make Me smile. You're presence would make Me nervous and I'd always want to hold You're hand when You're around, I'd glare at You from the corner of My eye when You're not looking and I would not get enough of Your smell. I'd want to curl up in Your hands when I'd feel cold because You'd be warm. I'd love the way You  would talk and I'd love the way You would smile when You'd see me. Every sad and/or romantic song would remind me of You and You'd you always manage to make me happy. I'd love the way You would guide Me to the right way and would fight for me.You'd never know what I feel and I'd never know what You would think. I'd always feel as if You would be looking right into my soul, when You'd actually just be looking at me. I'd love the color of You're eyes and the way you'd be built. You'd walk with pride and you'd always make me feel safe. You'd make me fall but You'd help me up. I'd cry if you'd leave.

The thought of losing You would make me cry, the thought of Me leaving and You staying would make Me miserable. You'd inspire me, You'd make me go weak in the knees. You'd be perfect. Every time You'd make Me feel weird in the stomach while thinking of you, I'd break something because I would not let myself feel anything towards You. You'd never really understand. You'd tell me I'm beautiful. You'd hold me. You'd care. You'd never know.I'd only love the thought of you. I'd worry for You if You'd be hurt and I'd take care of You if You were sick.You'd inspire me. You'd cook with me. You'd laugh with me, You'd be more of a man than any other man could ever be. You'd open doors for me and You'd pick up stuff that I'd drop and You'd always catch me when I'd fall cause You'd know I would be clumsy. I'd love your laughter. You'd be My best friend, My only lover, My only person. I'd have to let go of You. I'd never want to let go of You. You'd be my dream and only my dream. You'd make me write all these words. You'd be trustworthy. You'd be intelligent .You'd be funny. You'd make me repeat some of your qualities many times, You'd make me want to talk to you all the time. You would make me impressed by how many words You would make me write about You, though I would think I don't even feel anything for You.. We'd have our inside jokes and people would look at us weirdly. We'd play like children and We wouldn't care less what by-passers would think.I'd love the way You'd discover me and be fascinated and amazed by every new thing You  would find out about me.I'd love the way You'd keep retelling me the moment We'd meet.I'd be a drug-addict and You'd be my drug and I'd need a dose of you every single day, because otherwise I would be very sad. I was broken when you found me.

Is this of what I've felt, Feel or will Feel. Who knows. Or does this even exist in my world. Probably not.Yet maybe.

 This indeed is, what I feel. It actually exists.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

 Sometimes, I really F/)(#"¤%& hate you all.But usually 'you all' are not the reason. So chill. It's not you-it's me...Cause it's me. -.-

Have some blood with it.