Friday, October 29, 2010


So today I woke up at 1pm. as usually. But yesterday I spent quite the whole day in town with my friend. After that I came home and started working on my art projects. My computer crashed and it made me rage and also made my head ache, I quit everything and started cleaning at 2.30 am. I cleaned my room, vacuumed and washed the floors in every room and as I was finally satisfied I started studying . I have a lot of studying to do. As I was finished with  that also I thought it was time to go to bed, but thanks to my semi-insomnia period right now I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to read a book and listen to music until I got sleepy which was at about 5am. Then I finally drifted off.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My tales which I have spoken of love

   I'm not saying, any of the stories is mine.  
Ever given up hope?

 Ever found true love ?
 Ever been comforted by love?
 Ever broken down because of love?
 Ever found yourself with your love ?
 Ever found yourself losing your love ?

Ever fallen in love with the thought ?
Ever been carried away by love ?

Ever WISHED. You could feel ?

Ever gotten your heart broken, by the last person you expected to ?

 Ever dreamt of love ?

 Ever imagined love?

Ever thought love was perfect ?

 Ever missed your love ?

 Ever yearned for love ?

 Ever been hit by love ?

 Ever been found by love ?
 Ever been hurt by love ?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Inspirational and brilliant

Nami has been a big influence to me and she has inspired me from the very first moment I saw her art. Her proportions are almost always perfect, she knows how to make the watcher feel the emotion and she's very good at couple poses(action). What you can see here, is fan art-which characters belong to Kishimoto.
 This artist has his own page : I find him simply brilliant. his ideas. he brings out something in life that is so true, but people don't say it out loud, might not even know it.

   His art is simply ... beautiful and neat. His site is here : Zaidoigres He's very talented. and his ideas are very nice.
 His ideas are very original. I love this theme he's doing. You can find him here : Itsajackal

I really the simplicity yet the beauty and realism of this piece.

 And this piece here is done by Brigid. She's a very talented artist also. All of her pictures are very emotional and inspiring and her sketchy style gives a very original touch to every single piece she does. You can find her here : Burdge-Bug
Skia is very talented at drawing foxes. and this picture is very... I don't even know what would be the correct word to describe this picture, but it's very special. Shows the cruelty and filth of the world.  Here's her link :

Remember me Lover.

I'm doing this cause I'm bored. Forgive me.

1. Put your iPod or iTunes on shuffle songs
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song name down no matter how silly it sounds.
1. If someone says “you’re hot”, you say?-
B-Rabbit vs. Papa doc (Eminem. Freestyle-8mile)
2. How would you describe your life?
Never Gonna happen (Lily Allen)
3. How do you feel today?
4. What is your life long goal?
Victims of love (Good charlotte)
5. What do your friends think of you?
Roulette(system of a down)
6. What do your parents think of you?
Laul võimalusest(Ruja)
7. What do you think about often?
Porno creep (Korn) ... xD
8. What do you think of the person who likes you?
Broken Lungs (Thrice)
9. What does your best friend always say to you?
Clair de Lune (debussy)
10. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners (Foo Fighters)
11. What is your favourite saying?
The Death Of Romance (Zeromancer)
12. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Cuz I can (Pink)
13. What will be played at your funeral?
Prison Song (System of a down)
14. What is your biggest fear?
Hours of Wealth (opeth)
15. What is your latest secret?
Closure (opeth)
16. What do you think of your house?
Don't write me off (music and lyrics)
17. What will you think when you see your first born?
Tango (ruja)
18. What were the first words you spoke?
Tournament speech (Harry gregson)
19. What do you think about when you’re sad?
Yes (coldplay)
20. What will you name this blog?
Remember me Lover (Porcupine Tree)
t'was fun. completely random, but fun. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Moar comics !

So in this show " So you think you can dance" a girl says : "u should know that he has never gone to the gym tho" (The guy was very buff .) and the guy said " hehe. I don't get what people do there. i lift women instead of lifting heavy weights."

So we totally thought my friend should start exercising like that. Screw the gym..

This joke was made at camp, where me and my friend here were together. We had verbal.. and also unverbal wars all the time, so they thought it'd be hilarious to put us into the kitchen together one day.

Fortunately it WAS a joke, but probably cause everyone knew how it'd end.. after a few chauvenist and feminist jokes. LIke this !

This...  Hmmm.... Well the point:
The girl hits him because she thinks he doesn't mean it and he's just talking bs.
Well... HE IS... isn't he ?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My comics

So I started drawing these little short comics.. at first I drew from life itself, but later i started to draw whatever came across my mind. Here you go :
 This is half made up. ;D The idea started frmo when my friend took out his credit card and bragged about the 20 000 krones he could spent in a day...
 This.. is.. made up :D
 This is a true story
 This is from I saw once on the streets. the most adorable thing.. the little girl said she'd leave, but come back.. and the bou just stood, where she left him.. and looked at her just like that.
 Poor boy, he tried so hard to teach me maths. (true story)

 Idea when I got from a friend, who mentioned I should do this when another friend of mine makes another chauvenist joke .   Toally should.. he'd probably never make a joke like that again.

This was really funny... I complimented his hair and he got really paranoid about it and eventually pulled up his hoodie :D   I tried that on other male classmates also... the same reaction on everyone.

This was just cute.