Sunday, September 4, 2011

When I was little, for some reason I was afraid of the teenage me. I was afraid I'd start smoking and drinking and do stupid stuff, that I'd stopped loving the things I love and cherished back then, I was afraid I'd stop seeing what's important. The sad part is that the little me was right. I don't remember the time I lost her, but I did and I didn't keep any promises I gave to myself, which makes me want to apologize to her. She was right to be scared, but I'd want to tell her, that I'm still the same person and our wants and interests will change in time. I'd want to hold her and tell her it'll all be okay in the end, that she'll go through some rough paths and get hurt, but eventually find someone special and see that everything ain't so bad after all. I'd tell her not to be afraid and to always be strong and to never let go of what she believes in. I won't. I remember what she wanted and what she thought and all-though I lost sight of it a few years ago, I've become to see it again... So it's okay. I lost you, but I found you again. You're still with me.
I miss her. She was really smart. If I would've written down my thoughts back then to read them now, I would be ashamed. Because the little me is so much smarter sometimes than the current me. 
Finally I brought myself to writing this down. Thanks to someone.

work in progress.

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